Sticky columns

Enabling sticky columns for Views table (by admin area) and for any table if we use an API

Sometimes there is a large number of columns in the tables. The table becomes very wide. Because of this the content doesn't fit the screen. And customers have to use horizontal scrolling. In such case the key attribute of a line, for example the name of the goods, escapes when you scroll and it becomes unclear to what goods correspond this or that characteristics.

Sticky Columns come to help you to make usage of tabular data more convenient. By means of this module the key information will be fixed in first columns of the table and won't be lost when scrolling.


1) Install the module.
2) Go to the edit page of the view.
3) Select "Settings" of "Table" format.
4) Choose any field to use as a Sticky Column.


To use Sticky Column add "sticky-columns" class to the table and "sticky-column" class to each cell of the column that should stick. Then add the script and styles:

  • drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'sticky_columns') . '/sticky-columns.js');  
  • drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module',  'sticky_columns') . '/sticky-columns.css');

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