Adaptive Layout Testing

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When you create a theme which is supposed to support different display resolutions and devices it’s very important to choose the best testing tools, as it takes really much time to test it properly.

ADCI Solutions has something really great to recommend. We support 2 modules to test adaptive layouts: Mobile Adaptive Test and Adaptive Layout Tester.

Also, we have created an automatic screenshot taker based on Java and Selenium WebDriver for Firefox.

As soon as Drupal modules are quite simple to use, let’s focus on selenium application. This application walks through your site with Firefox browser, takes screenshots of your pages with different screen sizes and puts them into a specified folder on your PC. Do you remember how many times you did that job manually? Now you don’t have to! Just run the script, take a coffee and check the screenshots later.

You need following things to use it:

You need to be able to run Selenium Webdriver tests on your machine. Also, you need to download our Java Screenshoter project. Actually, you just need to include and to your java project and download Selenium server standalone library.

Now you need to specify Tester Class fields for your website and you are ready to run!

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